Class of 1966
Cynthia Wainwright (Hammitt)
My "Now" Picture was taken 4/21/2016 our 49th anniversary. The words in the background translate to Happy wife, Happy Life. My husband felt that was appropriate for the occasion! Rick was in the Air Force stationed at Selfridge AFB when we met at Montgomery Wards where we both worked part time. June Jesse was at our shotgun wedding 49 years ago. Two young crazy kids, who would have believed it would last? Its been an uphill, downhill ride to get to 49 years that only the passengers can appreciate. It is true, you can't recognize the highs if there are no lows. While raising our two children, we traveled a lot, moving at least 8-10 times with Air Force deciding where. We have been here in San Bernardino (my husband's home town)for about 33 years now. Long enough for me to finally get my associates degree and earn a retirement from San Bernardino County. We have three grandchildren 26, 23 and 8 yrs old who, lucky for us, live close by so we can see them any time we want. We are both retired and we travel when we get a chance but now we get to decide where!
Looking forward to our visit to Michigan this summer.
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